Friday, October 22, 2010

Gray Hair, Grey Matter & Gray Area

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The liberal media is at it again, yall!! You know, the liberal media, the one that got Obama into the White House. But the same one, that tried to tear down Clarence Thomas in the 90s. They (the liberal media, now NPR) are trying to tear down another brother - Juan Williams. I mean what's their beef with this gray haired commentator (I mean opinionist, I mean journalist, no I mean analyst - there is a difference)? Well, it's just see. Here's the excerpt from Juan's comments on the O'Reilly Factor.

"Look, Bill, I'm not a bigot," Williams said. "You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Really????? I didn't realize Juan flew commercial airlines (and now with a new million dollar deal with Fox, I doubt he will fly commercial again). I digress. But really??? How does one "identify themselves first and foremost as a Muslim"??? Could it be one's attire or appearance? And why would that get one's grey matter (i.e. nervous system)'s panties all up in a bunch?? More importantly, regardless of your political leanings, should comments like that be allowed? You decide.

Williams did try to qualify the comment, but according to NPR, they had enough. See here. They also admit that their policy for analysts and their comments has some "gray areas."

Nutty Gingrich, I mean Newt Gingrich, wants NPR's federal funding to be cut. Really??? Federal funding??? I thought NPR depended on members like me and you. I digress. But really???? Sounds like that's a tool to respond to the liberal media - cut 'em off at the knees for firing you for saying some divisive comments about a group of people. And here's some more money and air time. Those conservatives know how to look out for one another. Way to have a brother's back, Newt.

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