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Whether you believe that the devil is after Bishop Eddie Long and he's being wrongly accused or you believe that the devil got into Bishop Eddie Long and he did something to those young men, one thing you must agree on is this - EDDIE LONG IS WRONG for wearing this new Toupee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not going to talk about how a man who allegedly makes a few million a year should have a better hairpiece. I'm also not going to talk about how a religious man should not be so into his appearance as to wear such a horrible hairpiece. That's not what this post is about. This is about wearing a blatant lie on your head!
You may be wondering what the heck does his hair have to do with anything, it's just hair. Well, it's a matter of the appearance of deceit! Studies have shown that some jurors will be biased for or against a defendant based on looks and that their emotions will trump rational thinking. (For more see here and here.) And let's face it, there's a negative association with bad toupees and untrustworthy men. You would think that a car salesman with a bad toupee and in a cheap suit is trying to sell you a lemon, right?
I know what you're thinking - Judge not, that ye be not judged. Well, unfortunately, in a court of law, as I stated above, for some people who may end up being jurors, emotions and bias win out over clear judgment. So, the lesson here is -- there's nothing wrong with keeping it real. It may go a long way in your credibility.
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